Bandit Earl Antonius Retired Rottweiler Male
HD A ED 0, Heart normal, JLPP clear
2015 CORK Show V-1 &Best In Show2016 ECRK Show V-12017 ECRK Show V-1
Bandit Earl Antonius is our retired stud dog. Bandit has won the 2015 Central Ontario Rottweiler Klub show by going V-1 and best Youth male in show. In 2016 Bandit won the open male class at the Eastern Carolina Klub show. We were very Proud to have this Magnificent Rottweiler as part of the von Sederhaus breed program. He was bred to beautiful females producing top notch European Rottweiler puppies. Bandit is no longer available for Stud. He is living a great life playing.